Npower Main Section

If you joined the former Npower Group, or are treated as having joined it, during the following periods, you are now part of the Npower Main Section, of the E.ON UK Group of the ESPS:

  • on or after 1st April 1997 but before 1st September 2003
  • on or after 1st April 1988 but before 1st April 1997
  • before 1st April 1988

Main benefits

  • Life assurance, if you die before retirement
  • A pension subject to annual increases and a tax-free cash sum when you retire
  • Dependants' benefits on your death at any age
  • A disability income if you are forced to retire early because of ill health
  • The option to provide extra pension for dependants
  • The option to pay additional contributions (AVCs) to secure improved benefits at retirement

Retirement options

  • Normal retirement is when you retire at the normal pension age that is set.
  • The normal pension age at which retirement benefits will be payable is 63. For pre-1st April 1988 members, the normal pension age is 60.
  • When you retire you will get both an annual pension until you die and a tax-free lump sum.
  • Your lump sum will be three times the amount of your annual pension, less any reduction that may be necessary where you have paid reduced contributions.
  • Your pension is based on what is known as your pensionable pay. Pensionable pay is usually the total pay you earned, or would have earned but for sickness and/or injury, including any overtime or other irregular payments, in the last 12 months before retirement, death, or leaving the Company.
  • It’s possible at retirement for you to give up part or all of your lump sum to increase the pension you receive.
  • You are also able to give up part of your pension to increase the widow(er)’s pension or provide a pension that will be payable when you die.