Frequently asked questions

Final Salary Sections

DB members


How do I find out what my pension is worth?

If you are an active member (currently contributing to the scheme), you will get an annual Benefit Statement showing your pension’s estimated value. You can also view an estimate online in your myESPS account.

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Register/log in to myESPS for former NPower Group members only  

How do I tell the Trustee who my chosen beneficiaries are?

Complete an Expression of Wish form so that the Trustee knows who you would like to get your cash lump sum if you die before claiming your pension.

Your Expression of Wish can be quickly and easily updated online in your myESPS account.

Register/log in to myESPS
Register/log in to myESPS for former NPower Group members only  

What are death benefits?

These are the benefits (such as a pension and lump sum) you could leave behind for loved ones if you die while in employment.

It’s important the Trustee knows where you’d like these benefits to go, so you are strongly advised to keep your Expression of Wish form up to date.

Find more information and a copy of the form in the Expression of Wish section. You can also complete it online in your myESPS account.

Register/log in to myESPS
Register/log in to myESPS for former NPower Group members only  

What are AVCs?

Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) arrangements are tax-efficient ways for scheme members to save a bit more towards their retirement.

AVCs are taken from your pay before tax, so they are a tax-efficient way to save (limits apply).

AVCs can be a way of making up the shortfall (if there is one) between the pension you will get and the income you want to maintain your retirement lifestyle.

What happens to my pension if I leave the scheme and no longer contribute to it?

If you leave the Company or decide to opt out of the scheme for any reason, your benefits will stay in the scheme until you’re eligible to claim them. You become a ‘deferred’ member.

You may also be able to transfer your scheme benefits to another pension arrangement, if that arrangement accepts transfers in. However, be aware of transfer scams.

Can you advise me about my pension savings?

No. The Trustee, Railpen, and your employer are not authorised to offer advice. Any information provided by them should not be relied on as advice about your individual circumstances.

If you need advice before making a decision about your financial future, visit  for a list of independent financial advisers in your area.

Can I transfer my pension benefits from another scheme into my E.ON UK pension scheme?

If you are a member of one of the final salary ESPS categories, you may be able to transfer your pension benefits from another pension arrangement into the scheme. If you are interested in a transfer, please contact Railpen in the first instance. Please note it is not possible to transfer benefits from another pension arrangement into the Retirement Balance Plan category.

Can I transfer my benefits out of the scheme?


Yes, but please think very carefully before you transfer your pension to another provider. Consider your long-term finances and your benefits in the scheme, compared to those offered by other pension arrangements.

Get advice from an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). You can find IFAs in your local area at


What happens if I go on maternity leave?

Paid maternity leave means you will keep building up benefits. This is based on a notional salary figure equivalent to the salary you would have received if you weren’t on maternity leave. Your contributions will be based on your actual salary (including statutory maternity pay).

If you take unpaid maternity leave, you can continue paying contributions (based on your salary immediately before you start maternity leave). These contributions can be paid either during maternity leave or when you return to work. Your unpaid maternity leave will then count as service.

If you don’t pay contributions during your leave, this will not count as service.

What happens if I get a divorce or dissolution?

If you divorce, your former spouse may be entitled to part of your pension (or its equivalent value) as part of your divorce settlement. Your solicitor will advise you.

An unmarried partner or a dependant has no automatic right to an ESPS pension. However, the Trustee may agree to pay a pension to an unmarried partner or dependant. With the Trustee’s agreement, you may also be able to give up part of your pension to provide a pension for an unmarried partner or dependant when you retire. Contact Railpen for details.

When can I get my deferred benefits?

Your deferred benefits are paid from your Normal Pension Age, but they may be paid early, without any reduction, if:

  •  you are eligible under Incapacity Rules, or
  • (depending on your membership category), you are under 50 when you cease to be in service and you leave work because of redundancy or reorganisation.

Normally, if you retire before your NPA, your pension will be reduced because it is being paid early.


What happens if I need to retire early through ill health?

If ill health stops you from working, you can apply for ill-health benefits (as long as you have not already taken your benefits while working).

You will need to meet certain criteria before you can take ill-health benefits.

When will I receive my pension payments?

Once you retire, your pension will be paid to you every month. You can view your pension payslips by logging into myESPS.

Register/log in to myESPS
Register/log in to myESPS for former NPower Group members only  

What should I do if I can’t manage my own affairs?

You can make legal arrangements to pass the responsibility to a family member or someone else close to you, typically through Power of Attorney

You, or your chosen representative, will need to tell the Scheme’s administrator, Railpen, and provide written evidence, normally in the form of a Power of Attorney. Get in touch using details on the Contact us page.

How do I change my bank/building society account?

Please let Railpen know. Pension payrolls are processed approximately three weeks before the payment date. If you change your bank or building society account, you must let Railpen have your new account details at least three weeks before your pension is due.

If you can’t give three weeks' notice, keep your old bank account open to avoid any delay in your pension reaching you. Contact Railpen about any changes.

What are my options if I’m thinking about retirement?

E.ON UK offers a range of retirement options, depending on your plans for life after giving up work.

These include:

Normal retirement – You will get your pension plus a cash lump sum, which is currently tax free.

Early retirement: if you are eligible to retire early, your benefits will be lower because they are being paid out for longer

Late retirement:  If you are any active member, you can continue to work past your normal pension age and continue to build up your pension benefits. If you are a deferred member, it is not possible to defer payment of your benefits after your normal pension age.

Ill-health retirement: If ill health means you have to give up work, you may be able to claim your scheme pension and cash lump sum early. For full details, speak to your employer.

Can I transfer out if I’m planning to retire?

You can transfer your scheme pension out to another pension provider. However, it is strongly recommended you get independent financial advice first. You should also be aware of scams when thinking about transferring out.